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UD students call for safety improvements on Main Street after freshman killed

NEWARK, Del. (CBS) — There are calls for change from students at the University of Delaware after a freshman was killed on the first day of classes.
Every day hundreds of students at UD cross West Main Street as they make their way to and from classes, but some call the stretch incredibly dangerous.
“It’s scary, I mean you see people just going for it. They don’t really care anymore they’re just trying to get to their destination not looking,” said Isabella Surace, a freshman at UD.
“For the most part it’s not very safe because people are speeding,” said Jennifer Rivera.
On Thursday, CBS News Philadelphia’s cameras captured a man on a motorcycle running a red light as students were trying to cross.
It’s also the same spot where police said 18-year-old Noelia Gomez was in the crosswalk when she was struck and killed by a motorcycle two weeks ago as the driver was trying to escape a traffic stop.
“Something should be done most definitely,” Rivera said.
As a memorial in Gomez’s honor grows, a petition, that was started by a student, is circulating across campus and has gained more than 2,100 signatures. Students are calling for safety improvements on Main Street asking for more crossing guards during the day, speed bumps, or elevated crosswalks with the hope of slowing drivers down. Students say they plan to present this petition to Newark City Council soon.
“I definitely think it does need to be put in action because I think it would help here around the area,” said Ava Green, a senior on campus.
The university also responded to the petition and released a statement that said: “As an institutional advocate for the safety of all members of the University of Delaware community and its surrounding environment, UD will continue to proactively engage local officials about the priority of road safety to accelerate progressive attention and improvements to the city streets and public spaces adjacent to our campus.”
“I can’t imagine the trauma the parents are going through,” said Jerry Clifton, Mayor of Newark.
Clifton said Main Street is a state road. According to the Delaware Department of Transportation, there is not currently a traffic study or improvements recommended on Main Street.
Clifton tells CBS News Philadelphia his office contacted DelDOT after the deadly crash recommending a few safety options.
The first is a speed camera the city recently purchased.
“It will be mobile, so we’re going to be able to change its location,” Clifton said.
The second option Clifton is looking into is elevated crosswalks to help calm traffic.
“We need to do something that this never happens again,” Clifton said.
